Sunday, October 31, 2010

Psychological Test Online

I tried the application on my facebook, the name (if I'm not mistaken) is psychology personality test.

It only has seven/eight questions, well, not questions I think. There are two options every number, and I should choose one out of two every number.

Somewhat like this:
black - white
coffee - softdrink
moon - star
sugar - spice
dog - cat
ninja - pirate

What? Six questions? Orait, I forget some I think.

From those six questions I chose respetively: white, coffee, star, sugar, cat, ninja.

And here is the result:
Dear, based on the test, You’re an ideal boyfriend/girlfriend. You don’t care if your partner doesn’t really love you as long as you love him/her. You give your all.
You’re intimidating! People have an impression that you’re elite—or if not, you simply look sophisticated. You gain praises but not companions.
Here is the analysis:
웃 : Mysterious, oftentimes, a loner.
웃 : You hide your emotions. Sometimes pretending to be always happy.
웃 : You search for love.
웃 : You have so many ideas in mind. You’re creative and aggressive!
웃 : You love actions, with the hero-like taste!

Okay, this application somewhat hits the nail right on its head. Let me analyze one by one.

Ideal girlfriend like what this result doesn't really belong to me. Yea, it has proved. I simply ignore person who betrays the relationship without execuse. Hoho. But giving all I have (totally love someone) is somewhat true I think.

Intimidating I don't really know. People's thought.

Mysterious, sometimes loner, somewhat true. Relating to result number three, searching for love. Well I agree. Sometimes I feel like nobody in this world who really cares about me.

The rests, okay, I realize those are true.

My question is: how can my simple answers become like that?

Okay, I love white, because black is dark you know. I love coffee because softdrink is somewhat gassy. I like star because it has its own light. I like sugar because it is sweet. I like cat because dog is forbidden in Islam. And I like ninja because Rain becomes the star in Ninja Assassin :p

Simple, rite?

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