Friday, November 26, 2010

Koyo Cabe

+"Bik bik, beli koyo sikok"
-"Koyo cabe ye?"
+"Koyo bawang be ah, pedes pake cabe"
-(garuk-garuk pala)

Teringat dulu waktu Ibu menyuruh saya membelikan koyo, saya bingung apa itu koyo cabe. Mungkin sudah lama saya mengenalnya, namun baru-baru ini memakainya.

2009 lalu saya mengikuti tour ke Paris (van Java) bersama temen-temen di undergraduate. Masa disaat koyo cabe dan obat masuk angin cair sempet populer di kalangan peserta tour. Maklum, lima hari tour de Java membuat badan jadi pegel-pegel dan perut kembung. Koyo cabe efektif menghilangkan pegel di badan.

Saya mulai berpikir, bagaimana nanti jika saya berada di suatu tempat dimana hal-hal kecil namun penting seperti ini tidak bisa saya temui? Akankah saya merindukannya? Akankah saya mencari penggantinya yang lain?

Oh koyo cabe, thankyou for relaxing my muscles :D

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You are The One I've Ever Had

Shed your tears my lil brother..

Ini adalah hari dimana saya melihatnya menangis sesenggukan. Selama ini saya mengenalnya sebagai pribadi yang cuek (bahkan terhadap diri sendiri), tidak peka, dan semaunya sendiri. Berapa kali harus saya ingatkan, perihal kecil yang mungkin akan berpengaruh besar terhadap masa depannya. Belajar. Ya, saya menilai dia sangat inkonsisten dalam hal ini. Namun pagi ini, pukul sepuluh, dia pulang dari sekolah, lebih cepat dari biasanya, menelungkupkan badan, lalu menangis sesenggukan.

Allah, saya melihatnya begitu fragile. Betapapun seringnya dia membuat saya sebal, dia satu-satunya adik kecil saya yang sangat saya sayangi. Entah mengapa, air mata ini terus mengalir mengingat kesedihannya.

Lalu saya mencoba tegar, mengelus kepalanya sambil bertanya apa yang sebenarnya baru saja terjadi. Diluar ekspektasi, dia mengaku kesal dengan teman yang sering ribut di kelasnya, yang membuat belajarnya terganggu. Beberapa kali dia sudah mengingatkan di hari-hari sebelumnya supaya selalu menjaga suasana kelas tertib saat pelajaran berlangsung, namun beberapa teman sekelasnya masih saja membuat onar, tak peduli ada atau tidak ada guru di kelas.

Mungkin selama ini saya kurang memahami dia, mungkin juga karena saya jarang menungguinya, jarang mendengar curhat-curhatnya. Yang saya tau hanya sisi negatif yang menurut saya sedikit melewati batas, merokok diam-diam (meski saya tidak pernah melihatnya), termasuk jam malam dan beberapa blue video di dalam handphonenya. Jam belajar malam yang tidak teratur. Dia bahkan tidak pernah menanyai saya mengenai matematika ataupun mata pelajaran lain.

Sambil terisak dia mengatakan bahwa sebetulnya dia juga ingin berprestasi, ingin belajar, ingin sukses, ingin membahagiakan orang tua, terutama Ibu. Namun kondisi belajar di kelasnya belakangan sangat tidak kondusif baginya. Beberapa guru sekolah yang jarang masuk, kelas yang ribut dan tidak terkoordinasi, mengakibatkan ketidakefektifan baginya untuk memahami materi pelajaran. Tidak mendapatkan apa-apa, katanya.

Salah satu hal yang paling membuatnya kecewa tadi adalah kelakuan teman sekelasnya. Teman-teman yang sering mengacau pelajaran memang hanya minoritas, namun mayoritas teman yang lain tidak dapat menghentikan kekacauan yang ditimbulkan. Saking jengkelnya, hari sebelumnya dia lantas menulis status di facebook-nya, kejengkelannya terhadap suasana kelas yang nggak bisa tenang saat belajar. Akibatnya beberapa temannya tersinggung. Dua dari mereka menyerangnya tadi pagi di sekolah. Dia tidak membalas. Melapor ke guru piket, izin pulang karena tidak enak badan. Dan disinilah dia sekarang. Mencoba menenangkan diri dan mencari solusi hingga tertidur di tempatnya menelungkupkan badan.

Cepatlah dewasa adik kecil, mbak ingin kamu bisa mendapatkan yang terbaik, bersikap baik, dan dapat menjadi kebanggaan semua orang.

I wish you'll be better when you're older..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Observation Report

Today my friends and I are going to observe one private primary school, which is a pilot school of our university. This is not our first time, this is the n time.

Here are the reports for all observation in this school.

First, the classes are TOO crowded. A super big class with more than fourty students in average. The location of the school I think is not really comfortable for an ideal school. It is two schools with the same building. The building is facing each other, has a shared field with closed roof, which is the place for students to play, to sport, to shout, etc. It really annoys the other classes which is active studying.

Second, the students in the class are TOO busy. Well, it is a primary students. As child being, they tend to do something according to their roles. If they don't wanna learn, they won't. If they wanna crash the other friends, they just beat their friends. The classroom activity is rarely well arranged.

Third, if you wanna know the best place with plentiful food with affordable price, just come to primary school! As one of reports while observing this school, I wanna let you know, you can easily get gado-gado, model, tekwan, various pempek, nasi uduk, getuk, dadar gulung, lemper, ketan, various small cakes, ice cream, blablablah which are TOO affordable. Yummy.

Fourth, the pilot teacher is TOO discipline. She even don't wanna teach the class using the realistic approach which we have arranged.

Well, only these four that I can write. In fact, there are more than just four. Happy observing the school!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Reinburse Money

All transportation money from our domain, all tests cost, IELTS, TOEFL.. 

Our scholarships from May.. It has been seven months.. We wanna get what we should get..

Monday, November 8, 2010

How Plate Makes Us Close

I really want to whisper some words in your ears, some of them are, "I miss you, Mom.."

Some of you may have some things which remind you about some event, people, or something. A little thing with infinite memories in it.

Plates. Something we use to eat. A thing that people might not consider, but has something memorable for some others.

Here I eat using the plate again. A plate with the same motif as what my family uses in the dining room. It really can escape the distance between my hometown and my current town. I really miss something.

Hey Mom, have you still remembered, what we always do in that red dinner table? Serving the plates, spoons, forks, drinks, and all menu on the table is my duty, right? Nothing can change the situation on that table, when we all share what we've done in that day.

A white plate with simple flower pattern and small bridge. It really acts like a bridge, connecting you and me. Simply makes me believe that we are close. No matter the distance.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Wanderer

I've been wandering this world alone, then I wonder when I'll meet you.

Happy Saturday night, all!
I take a little walk surrounding my neighborhood, just to move myself, healing a lone which is trapped in my every-Saturday-night.

I look at a young couple walking while grasping their hands, also other couples having a date in they-say-beautiful-night. Oh The Owner of The Heart, I wonder when I have someone walking in my side.

Then I come into a small boutique, choosing and fitting some dresses. Hence I find a brown shirt with small flower pattern in it. I walk to come back to my house then. That's what I've done in my Satnight.

Sometimes I think why I often feel so silly, adoring person who ignores me, and tragically ignoring person who adores me. That's life. Perhaps, The Universe just hasn't permit us to meet.

I really want to make a poem, about you. A poem to make you know the awkward feeling inside my heart. A poem to realize you that there is a maiden waiting you patiently. A poem to wake you up. However the poem never arrives to you. Never be read by you.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kuliah Pagi, Pulang Pagi

Hosh, today we are studying nothing.

I used to have a class this morning at 8, and would have a class again at 2pm. But the teachers can't come. So, we learn nothing.

This is also my first time in this master degree, using skirt and high heels.

Just like the title, kuliah pagi lalu pulang pagi lagi.

Oya, yesterday on the first of November, my friend, called, Nobita, has a birthday party. Unlike Camel's birthday, we didn't use cream as a weapon to crash each other. I haven't got the pictures. So, let me post the pictures sometime. Cheers.

So boring, someone borrows my motorcycle. I can't go home as well.