Friday, October 15, 2010

Camel's Birthday

Yeay, happy 22nd birthday for Camel (not the real name).

Hari ini ada lomba di kampus, lomba matematika buat anak-anak sekolah. Ketemu juga dengan ibunya temenku SMA in my hometown. Trus besok akan ada seminar pendidikan yang semoga bakal ada ilmu baru yang seru.

Ehm, hari ini juga bertepatan dengan ulang tahun salah satu temen paling muda di kelas saya. Dua puluh hari lebih muda daripada saya. Ada apa di hari ultahnya?

We arranged a plan to buy cakes less than a hundred thousand rupiahs so that all friends in the dorm would eat together. Finally I, as the coordinator of the food, bought some small slices of cakes, some of them have plentiful butter cream. Therefore, we made it as a weapon to attack each other.

Here are the results of the butter cream battle.

#1 Gosh, mukaku jadi coreng moreng begini

#2 Semuanya juga ikut coreng moreng

Umur udah dua-dua tapi masih seperti dua-belas. I wanna be young forever, but as the time runs, I wanna be better when I'm older.

I wish you the best, Camel.

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